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Thursday, April 19, 2007

One year (and a little bit) + more pictures of Jeanne

Hi everybody,

Many apologies for not having posted in a while (yet again).

It just occurred to me that the Cotter blog just missed its 1-year anniversary, which was April 3, but hopefully we'll be around for many more (and maybe actually celebrate on the right day from now on). We're getting ready to move to a new place, June 1, and though we'll be staying in the general vicinity we'll soon have a lot more room.

As some of you may know, too, Jeanne's Grandma Marie is moving to Halifax to be with us and we'll be sharing this new house. We are all just so excited, especially Jeanne who just loves spending time with Grandma. With Jake at sea, and me busy with packing and driving lessons, the house is super crazy, but Marie keeps it going smoothly (and you can actually see the kitchen countertop!)

Anyhow, I hope you're all doing well (Jeanne's fan club, and other friends of the Cotter blog), and that spring is coming your way as it is ours (though you wouldn't know it lately).

Be well,
Ellen et al.

Jeanne in her Easter bonnet

Speaking of Easter, uh, wasn't it supposed to be Spring already?

Yes, this is from the Easter weekend, not Christmas.

Pretty dress. Oh, and in case you didn't hear, Jeanne got her first two teeth over the Easter weekend.

Jeanne is so obsessed with playing with the TV remote (I guess it's because she sees us 'playing' with it all the time), that we took the batteries out of an old one we weren't using and gave it to her. I think she's a little disappointed that it doesn't actually do anything.

Jeanne isn't actually crawling yet, but somehow managed to get under this chair the other day, all by herself.

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