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Monday, May 14, 2007

Lots o' pics of the Jeannie baby!

Hey, I'm not laundry!

I've been so busy lately (soooo busy!), that these pics have just been accumulating on the camera, but now I'm sharing them with you all. I just can't believe how many new things Jeanne has learned lately, and it's just so sad Jake isn't here right now to see them (god, I make it sound like he's died or something!) She's just so bright and strong and energetic and sweet that everyone she meets seems to just fall in love with her. She's just learned to clap her hands, and she's been trying all week to blow raspberries without me even showing her how. She can hold up her own weight standing now, holding onto a table or something, though I'm glad she can't get up by herself yet (the place is so chaotic with the move and everything that it's just a little unsafe at the moment). She's not quite crawling, but she still manages to get around the living room somehow (mostly by rolling and rotating herself - it's actually quite impressive). Anyhow, on to the pics:

"There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza..."

"Cha cha cha!" at Parent 'n Tot

"What a cute little boy you have!" (I get this all the time)

If she looks crazy here, you should have seen it before I removed the red eye

"No, Mommy, I don't know how I got under here either"

My beach bum is often a little smelly

I promised Sarah some pics of the magnolia tree out in front of the building. I am so going to miss this tree; it's beautiful in bloom or in leaf, and it smells so lovely right now.

More magnolia blossoms. The weather here in Halifax has been just beautiful this past week or so.

Pure 'cattitude' (he's going to miss the tree too)

Finally, here's Wendy doing her best meerkat impression, sitting up on her hind legs. I just wish the pics showed it more clearly. She doesn't just pop up like this for a second, she'll hold this pose for long periods of time while she takes a look around or washes her face. She'll even do it up on the arm of the couch, never losing her balance. She's done it ever since we got her at the humane society in Toronto years ago and it never ceases to amaze and impress me.

Wendy has been very sick lately, so please keep her in your hearts. She's got an overactive thyroid which is causing her to lose a lot of weight (though the medication has her stabilized at the moment), plus she's got a tumour in her mouth which is growing (though slowly, thankfully). They can't operate because of her frailty. She's 14 years old, thereabouts , which is aprox. 72 years old, and though she's going through some rough times she's still very happy and active - hopefully she'll keep on like that for a long time yet.

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