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Thursday, May 08, 2008

All moved in

Hey everybody,

We are officially all moved in to the new house and all moved out of the old one. The moving truck came yesterday, but we spent today cleaning the old place and getting all those little things that didn't make it into the truck. The new place is great, but it's going to take us forever to unpack. We've put all the boxes in the garage and we'll be moving stuff in over time, but it's ridiculously over-full.

Jeanne has adjusted well to the move, but then again we've been coming over here every day since we closed on the place and she immediately liked this place better. The fact that the new house was so familiar by the time she had her first night here meant that she had no problems sleeping through last night (which we were immensely thankful for).

Graham doesn't seem to have notice that anything has changed, which isn't surprising since he isn't even two months old yet.

We're looking forward to all of our guests coming to see us this summer. Now that we're here full-time we're actually around to answer the phone, so feel free to give us a ring (the number is the same for now, though we may change it at some later date).

Be well,
Ellen et al.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH the joys of moving haha...
all the lugging, packing and unpacking boxes. it's good to hear that everyone is settling into the new house. :)