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Friday, February 02, 2007

Busy busy

Here are a few new pics of the Munchkin.

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Jeanne wearing her new dress.
Mum and I did a little sewing while she was visiting, and this is the little dress I made Jeanne for the parent'n tot Valentine's Day party. I'll post a pic of her wearing the one Mum made for her soon.

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Napping before Kindermusik.
We started Kindermusik this week, and Jeanne and I just loved it. She grinned the entire time!

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Sleeping Wendy.
While still quite thin, Wendy is doing much better on her new Thyroid medication. What I'd do to be able to nap as well as she does...

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Our crazy baby, with her tinfoil hat (don't ask).

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At the beach.
While Mum and Gram were visiting, we rented a car and went on a drive along the shore south of Halifax. The day was bitterly cold, but I wanted to walk along the beach anyways. A local even stopped to see if we needed a hand (wondering, I suppose, who in their right mind would be outside on such a bleak day unless they absolutely had to).

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Jake would be proud of me: I brought home a picture of stones rather than filling my pockets as I usually do. P.S. It makes a great desktop, if I do say so myself.

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We stopped for lunch (an amazing lunch!) in a tiny little town, and I just couldn't help taking a picture of this great retro toy. You don't see many of these around any more.

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Everybody's favourite sailor. We miss you love; see you soon!

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