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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A new yarn

My yarn arrived! I ordered it on-line from Larkspur Funny Farm in Colorado last week (check out her Etsy store too). I don't know if the colour will show up that well in this pic, since all monitors display colours quite differently, but it is just beautiful: %100 handpainted organic alpaca wool in shades of pink and green. The little felt ornament was a bonus she threw in, and it's really cute.

P.S. for those of you who haven't yet discovered Etsy, check it out! It's a well-designed website that helps artists sell their wares online, and everything that is sold is handmade. I have bought some incredible items there (like this yarn), and I'm planning on setting up my own store once I have some inventory.

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I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do with this yarn, but I think it will become an amigurumi rabbit, though smaller than the one I made for Jeanne since the yarn itself is more delicate than the chunky stuff I used for the original 'sleepy bunny.' I've even ordered some organic cotton stuffing so that the entire toy will be organic, and hopefully this will be the start of something marketable.

But all that will have to wait until I finish the bunny I am currently working on (in worsted-weignt acrylic in shades of blue and green) for the MFRC's parent'n tot programme. I made a ball which I brought in on Monday (actually it was the severed head of a bunny I didn't feel like finishing because it would have been huge!, but it looked like a ball), and the kids seemed to enjoy it (you can really whollop someone with it without hurting them, which is a bonus). I want to see if the kids and parents like my bunnies (free product testing), plus it's nice to give something back to the programme Jeanne and I enjoy so much. It's a new pattern too, designed entirely by myself (though done in the amigurumi crocheting technique), and I'm testing it out for the first time now (the hardest parts are the ears), so wish me luck!

And now, the obligatory pictures of Jeanne:

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Waking up from a nap.

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Looking in the mirror: she got a real kick out of it this afternoon (before she completely lost it because her gums were hurting her.)

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