Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lots o' pics!

Sarah is up visiting us from the great T.O., and her camera is better than mine, so we've been taking lots of pictures of the Munchy. Enjoy!

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Jeanne really missed Jake while he was at sea, and she's so happy he's home.

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Exersaucer baby.

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Extreme close-up.

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Exersaucer baby II.

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Bouncing on the couch with Aunty Sarah (or 'The Anti-Sarah,' as we call her).

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Jeanne just loves Sarah, 'cause she's got so much more energy for bouncing than Mummy does.

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Mom's Cute Navy Girl (okay, you try spelling something with only one of each letter - I think we were pretty clever).

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